Out and about with the Sony A6400
I've had my Sony A6400 for nearly two weeks, here's a few words & pictures about how I'm getting on so far.
Written by Adam Cooke
I've had my Sony A6400 for nearly two weeks now and I love it. It certainly has a couple of negatives - the menu system is just woefully unfriendly for a start - but it really is an excellent camera.
I've primarily been using my Sigma 16mm lens which does a fantastic job for the price. I'm reliably informed that the lens is very cheap compared to others that are available and, in light of that, I'll probably, at some point, make an investment in something a little more expensive to further my lens collection and see what all the fuss is about.
In the last week I've also been playing with the Cokin filters which have been fun. Since my video about them, I also bought a polarising filter which is great.
So, here's just a few of the pictures I've taken over the last week or so...

I've also been out and about in the early evening to try and grab a few shots with less light.

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